Johanna N.Y. Franklin


For my personal recommendations for desserts and sweets, go here.

I also enjoy mathematical crafting. You might enjoy looking at sarah-marie belcastro's knitting page if you knit and Daina Taimina's blog for a general look at mathematical crafting and some fun crocheting hyperbolic planes.

Undergraduate Research

In addition to my work with Honors students at Hofstra, I work with the Polymath Jr. Program. I have mentored students in 2021 and 2022 and served as the ethics educator since 2022. I will also mentor two students in the NYC Discrete Math REU in 2024.

Professional Activities

Professional Organizations

I serve as the Chair-Elect for the Metro NY MAA section.

I am the chair of the AWM's Essay Contest Committee and a former member of its AWM-MAA Liaison Committee.

I am a member of the Council of the Association Computability in Europe, and I serve as a Member-at-Large on its Executive Committee.

I am a co-organizer of the Logic Supergroup, an "alliance of logicians in quarantine."

Conferences and seminars

Program Committees Workshops, organizer Special Sessions and panels, organizer Seminars, organizer Local Organizing Committees

Graduate Activities

I co-founded the Berkeley Student Logic Colloquium in Fall 2004 and was the primary organizer until I graduated in 2007.

As the organizer of the Student Logic Colloquium, I also maintained a collection of syllabi from previous Logic Group qualifying exams and philosophy prelims and a page of resources for the Logic Group's foundations prelim.

I was also involved in the group for women in mathematics at Berkeley, the Noetherian Ring.

The Graduate Assembly is Berkeley's graduate student government. I was the Logic Group's delegate and a member of the Graduate Assembly's Funding Committee from 2002 until 2007. In 2006, I was also a member of the Faculty Mentors Award Subcommittee.